Birds Nest Fern


SKU: bnfern Category:

Native to southeast Asia, bird’s nest fern (Asplenium nidus), also known as spleenwort, is easy to grow if given the proper conditions—mainly warmth and humidity. An epiphyte (plants that can grow without soil and typically attach themselves to a host plant in nature), this fern grows naturally high in the trees of the rainforest, so it pairs nicely with bromeliads and orchids. Even grown alone, it makes quite the specimen plant.

Product Code: bnfern



  • Avoid watering the center of the plant (the rosette) because it acts as a cradle and can cause the plant to rot. Instead, water the soil around the perimeter of the plant.
  • Test the moisture level by sticking a finger an inch into the soil. It should be damp, but not soggy. If dry, add about an inch of water.
  • Give the plant plenty of humidity by occasionally misting the fronds with a water bottle.
  • Add a layer of mulch over the soil surface to help it retain moisture.
  • During growing season, feed the fern every other week with a water-soluble fertilizer. Repot every couple of years in a larger pot with new soil.



Leafshine polishes your plants and fresh cut foliages in floral bouquets for a natural healthy look. Removes water spots and calcium deposits and prevents dust from settling. Get natural shining leaves on plants and cut foliage. When purchased, our plants are placed in wicker baskets and dressed with leafshine and a bow.

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