Love’s Symphony Bouquet


SKU: lfi-vd43 Category:

This elegant arrangement combines the bold beauty of deep red roses, the delicate grace of white tulips, and the unique texture of white spider mums. The rich red roses, symbolizing love and passion, are surrounded by pristine white tulips, embodying purity and elegance. The striking spider mums, with their long, feathery petals, add a touch of modern flair and texture, creating a beautiful contrast against the softness of the roses and tulips. The entire bouquet is thoughtfully designed with lush greenery, highlighting the vibrant colors and bringing balance to the arrangement, making it a perfect expression of love and sophistication.

Please Note: Seasonal and regional conditions affect the supply of flowers. Specific varieties or colors may not always be available. If substitution is necessary on variety flowers it will be done in similar style and value. In some cases, substitutions may be necessary.


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