Joyful Cardinal Bouquet


SKU: t23x605 Category:

Deck the halls with timeless holiday style! This joyful bouquet of Christmas roses is presented in a vintage-inspired cube vase with charming winter cardinal artwork. Makes a lovely candleholder in years to come! This festive red bouquet features red roses, red carnations, miniature red carnations and red huckleberry arranged with magnolia leaves and douglas fir. Teleflora's Joyful Cardinal Bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Cardinal Cheer Cube.

Product Dimensions
Standard: Approx. 14"w x 14"h
Deluxe: Approx. 15"w x 15"h
Premium: Approx. 16"w x 16"h

Please Note: Seasonal and regional conditions affect the supply of flowers. Specific varieties or colors may not always be available. If substitution is necessary on variety flowers it will be done in similar style and value. In some cases, substitutions may be necessary.
