Blooming Brilliant Bouquet


SKU: t24m400 Category:

Add a touch of sparkle to Mom's day with Teleflora's Blooming Brilliant cylinder, boasting a crushed glass texture and a soft ballerina pink hue, perfect for showcasing a dreamy Mother's Day bouquet. Elevate mom's day with Teleflora's Blooming Brilliant cylinder, boasting a crushed glass texture in ballet pink, perfectly complementing a bouquet of pink roses, ivory alstroemeria, purple cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, pink limonium, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern, a dazzling Mother's Day surprise.

Product Dimensions
Standard: Approx. 13"w x 13"h
Deluxe: Approx. 14"w x 13"h
Premium: Approx. 15"w x 14"h

Please Note: Seasonal and regional conditions affect the supply of flowers. Specific varieties or colors may not always be available. If substitution is necessary on variety flowers it will be done in similar style and value. In some cases, substitutions may be necessary.
