Swirling Splendor Bouquet


SKU: t24v100 Category:

Celebrate the splendor of true love with this radiant red rose bouquet, presented to perfection in a shimmering art glass vase with stunning swirling shape. This Valentine's Day bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. This red rose arrangement is delivered in Teleflora's Swirling Splendor Vase.

Product Dimensions
Standard: Approx. 17"w x 18"h
Deluxe: Approx. 18"w x 18"h
Premium: Approx. 18"w x 19"h

Please Note: Seasonal and regional conditions affect the supply of flowers. Specific varieties or colors may not always be available. If substitution is necessary on variety flowers it will be done in similar style and value. In some cases, substitutions may be necessary.


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