Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.
Product Dimensions |
Standard: |
Approx. 12 W x 11 1/2 H |
Deluxe: |
Approx. 12 1/2 W x 12 1/2 H |
Premium: |
Approx. 13 W x 13 1/2 H |
What is a "deluxe" or "premium" selection?
- Standard floral arrangements - Designed as closely to the picture as possible.
- A deluxe floral arrangement - The design contains more flowers in the same style and colors as the shown version.
- A premium floral arrangement - The design contains, even more, flowers or higher value flowers in the same style and colors as the standard and deluxe versions.
Please Note: Seasonal and regional conditions affect the supply of flowers. Specific varieties or colors may not always be available. If substitution is necessary on variety flowers it will be done in similar style and value. In some cases, substitutions may be necessary.