Let’s Talk About Shamrocks

Let’s Talk About Shamrocks

With St. Patrick’s Day upon us, there’s going to be a lot of discussion and excitement about how people are going to spend the holiday.  For some people, Saint Patty’s Day is all about wearing green.  For others, it may be all about that traditional corned beef...
Bright Flowers Can Chase the Winter Blues Away

Bright Flowers Can Chase the Winter Blues Away

A lot of people ‘feel down’ in the winter.  As it turns out, the winter blues are a real thing.  This can be especially true in Missouri, where the weather can cycle quickly between warm and sunny—and rainy, icy, drizzly, miserable cold and grey.  In fact, there’s...

Random Christmas Propaganda

Chances are knowing the following information is never going to be a life-changer, but who knows, one day, you might be tied for the lead in a trivia contest and the next category is “Random Christmas Propaganda”.  And Boom! Knowing this stuff would be the ticket that...